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warby parker x guggenheim

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The brief: Create a hypothetical visual communication, the multi-channel campaign between two chosen brands, I chose Warby parker and The Guggenheim

My concept for Warby Parker x Guggenheim aimed to align Warby Parker's value of creativity and product with Guggenheims' value of art, new perspectives, and people.
This collaboration combines an immersive event and ongoing exhibition with a product launch of sunglasses. In conjunction with Artist Keith Haring, the campaign, titled ‘A spectacle’ has expression and spontaneity at the core of the collaboration. Following the narrative of identity, stimulating a community atmosphere.

The collaboration targets a niche cohort of Gen Z and Millennials, within the age range of 18-26, segmented as explorers and the here and now consumer group.
Striving to be interconnected, the campaign follows 3 stages; a pre-event, event, and post-event to target the consumer each step of the way.

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